
nice idea

  • I've been thinking that several of our articles could do well with organization by episode. Very interesting work. -- Contrib¯ _Santa_ ¯  Talk  23:34, 15 July 2007 (PDT)
  • Thanks! Feel free to make any changes or additions you want. I think this will method of organizing work particularly well for the "unanswered questions" page because it avoids the fact that many questions deal equally with multiple characters or concepts and allows us to see which questions have gone the longest without answers. Plus when the new episodes start airing, it'll be easier to add (and monitor) new questions since they'll all go to the same place. -Silence 00:04, 16 July 2007 (PDT)

Answered Questions

Here are many already answered questions still listed, such as "why Ethan abducted Claire." I would update it, but I'm bussy right now.

We don't know why Ethan abducted Claire, really (though we can probably guess at most of it). He did it against the Others' orders, almost as though he were a rogue in their midst, or part of a different faction. What other answered questions do you see? -Silence 14:36, 27 July 2007 (PDT)